About Metrology

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS was established in 1974 with an integrated approach to standardization, namely; Metrology, Standards and conformity assessment (Testing, Certification etc).
Metrology is defined as the science of measurement and its applications. Inadequate maintenance of machines in industry is detrimental to business because it leads to unexpected stoppage of work, expensive damage, loss of production, as well as unwarranted accidents to personnel. Continuous calibration of equipment/measuring instrument, interpretation of data indicating the state and correctness of the equipment, is the best solution to these problems.

Reliable And Traceable Measurement

The National Measurement Standards maintained at the Kenya Bureau of Standards are traceable to International Systems of Units (SI).
These National Measurement Standards are used to calibrate and monitor the secondary standards which in turn are used to calibrate and monitor the numerous working standards and equipment used in industry.

Kenya's Calibration Measurement Capabilities

Kenya, through the Kenya Bureau of Standards Metrology Department, has published Calibration Measurements Capabilities (CMCs) on the BIPM Key Comparison Database (KCDB). These CMCs establishes traceability of measurements in Kenya to the International System of Units (SI).

The CMCs can be viewed on the BIPM KCDB platform by clicking this link: Calibration measurement capabilities