


1. What is a Standard?

A Standard is a technical document detailing the criteria necessary to ensure that a material, product, service, or procedure is fit for the purpose it was intended.

2. Who initiates standards development

Stakeholders: consumers, academia, industry, professionals, government, relevant associations and any interested party can request for initiation of standards development.

3. Who is affected by Standards

Standards affect everybody including but not limited to industry, importers, exporters, consumers, regulators and society at large.

4. What is the difference between a standard, regulation and technical regulation

Standard – This is a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for products or related processes and production methods. They may include: terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or labeling requirements.

NOTE: Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.

Regulation- Document providing binding legislative rules, that is adopted by a designated authority of the government.

Technical regulation- Mandatory standards or regulations that make reference to standards or sections thereof to lay down product characteristics, their related processes:

(e.g. specifications, codes of practice or guidelines) set by regulatory bodies that make reference to standards.

5. How can I access Standards

Standards are available at the Standards Information Center (SIC) based at KEBS Headquaters and at all regional offices at a fee. The SIC is open to all members of the public.

6. How can one know which Standards have been developed

There is a catalogue of developed standards (standards catalogue) which is available online at [ www.kebs.org ]

7. What are the benefits of the Standards

The benefits include :

Ensure quality of products and services
Safeguards the environment, health and safely of the consumer
Minimization of wastage
Reduction of costs of production
Incresed productivity in the industry
Removal of trade barrier
Access of markets
Better communication
Transfer of technology
Better utillization of resources

8. Stages of Developing Standards through Committee Draft
  • Stage One
  • Stage Two
  • Stage Three
  • Stage Four
  • Stage Five
  • Stage Six
Proposal Stage

1.1 Formal requests to develop Kenya standard originate from the Manufacturers/service providers, consumers, members of the TC, Government Ministry, Corporate Body or NGO and submitted to the Managing Director, Kenya Bureau of Standards, for consideration by the SPC .

1.2 Once proposals for new work items have been received by the Secretariat, or the Secretariat determines that there is need to undertake development of a particular standard, TC secretary shall prepare a justification containing:

purpose and application
-explain why the standard is needed e.g. the economic,commercial/industrial, safety, environmental, health, consumer protection, transfer of technology or other benefits of the proposal
main stakeholders to benefit from the standard i.e. who will be the main users of the standard
main stakeholders to benefit from the standard i.e. who will be the main users of the standard
mention any relevant problems in the industry or technology
1.3 The TC Secretary shall then either:

convene a TC meeting to consider the proposal or circulate New work item ballot form together with the justification to all TC members giving them 21 days to respond.

Committee stage

2.2 The TC secretary shall obtain a CD number from his/her HOD for each of the approved projects. The CD number shall be in the form CD/X/Y: year.

2.3 The TC secretary shall open an electronic file whereby a copy of the preliminary Draft Standard. shall be filed at every stage from the request.

Committee stage 2

At this stage the preliminary draft is deliberated upon by the TC for the first time. The name of the draft now changes to committee draft. The TC secretary shall make changes to the draft as per the resolutions of the TC meeting. The Committee draft shall progress to the Public review stage if its accepted by the TC.

Public review stage

3.1 The TC secretary shall request for a KS number from Head of SIRC stating the title of the project and the date of the meeting that authorized the public review.

3.2 The TC secretary shall prepare a public review draft bearing changes mad at the committee stage .The the draft shall be water marked with words “public review draft”.
3.3 The TC secretary shall send the draft to selected organizations/departments that are
likely to have interest in the standard. These include but are not limited to:

  • TC members.
  • Other manufacturers/service providers
  • HOD
  • Other relevant KEBS departments e.g. Testing services department, Quality assurance department, Import/Export department.
  • Other National Standards Bodies and foreign bodies.

3.4 The TC Secretary shall also ensure that a copy of the draft is sent to respective editor for editing during the Public Review Period, and to Head of Trade affairs for notification to WTO.

3.5 The secretary shall attach a covering letter duly filled and the comments template giving a maximum of 60 days for the public review comments to be sent in.

4.6 The Public review draft shall progress to the balloting stage if accepted.


4.1 The TC secretary shall prepare a ballot draft bearing a watermark reading “ballot draft”. The draft shall be prepared in harmony with ISO/IEC directives part 2.
4.2 The TC secretary shall send a copy of this prepared ballot draft to each TC member
together with form STA/SDV/OP/03/F3 Ballot Form allowing the members 21 days to respond.
4.3 After the expiry of the 21 days’ period, the TC secretary shall compile the summary of
balloting for Voting. Comments shall be attached to the summary of voting.
4.4 In case the draft meets the acceptance criteria but there are technical comments in opposition, the draft standard shall proceed to the next stage and the comments compiled to form a justification for review of the standard thereafter.
4.5 In case the draft does not meet the acceptance criteria the draft standard shall be referred back to the TC for further deliberations where the TC can decide to issue a Committee Draft, DKS or FDKS depending on how the issues are resolved.
4.6 In the event that the TC decides to abandon the project in total, the TC secretary
shall communicate this decision to the SPC, giving all the reasons advanced by theTC, for further directions.
4.7 The final draft Kenya standard shall be forwarded to the relevant editor for final
editing at least one month before the next scheduled SAC meeting.
4.8 The final draft Kenya standard shall progress to SAC stage if it meets the acceptance


5.1 Director-SDI shall present the Kenya standards to SAC for approval.
5.2 The SAC may approve the draft subject to minor editorial changes made for clarity
but which do not alter technical meaning of the text(s). One original copy of the now
approved Kenya standard shall be signed by the MD and forwarded to Head of
Publishing through the Director-SDI.
5.3 In the event that the SAC decision affects technical meaning of the draft, it shall be
deferred to the relevant TC to look at the draft again in the light of the SAC proposal before the draft is presented at another SAC meeting after technical issues are clarified. The TC secretary shall be notified by Director-SDI of the specific areas that require re-examination by the TC.

Gazzettment of Standards

6.1 Within two weeks of the SAC meeting, Director (SDI) shall compile the list of approved standards for gazettment.
6.2 This list shall be forwarded to Head of Publishing who shall ensure the list is edited and proofread.
6.3 Once the list is proofread, the Head of Publishing shall forward it to Director (SDI).
6.4 The Director (SDI) shall forward this list to the legal department not later than 3
weeks after the SAC meeting for gazzetment.

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